
Wednesday, November 27th, 1776.—At guard mounting I took the charge of the main guard with Ensign Leonard. Having 28 men in the Garrison, with 12 sentinels and 12 men at the Stone Redoubt, with 5 sentinels and a great number of prisoners to be taken care of, which caused me much fatigue, and the weather being bad added to my misfortune in impairing my injured health. Was vigilant all night and received the guard rounds about 12 o'clock.

Col. Willard's and Col. Bower's Regiments to march to-morrow morning at sunrise.

Thursday, November 28th, 1776.-Made out my reports of the guard and was relieved at the usual time, being exceeding unwell. Yesterday Capt. Potter set out for home.*

Friday, November 29th, 1776.-Still continuing unwell, as I have been these two days past. This day a dispute happened between Lt. Gifford and Ensign Norcross, which so ruffled Norcross that he forsook our mess in which he was engaged; went to live with Dr. Dunham. By a letter from Col. Dayton, of the 26th instant, at Albany, to Major Barber, we are informed that the Regulars have taken Fort Washington with near 2000 prisoners therein that the Regulars have evacuated York and gone over to the Jerseys, as is supposed, to penetrate as far as Philadelphia; but our army are before them, and will no doubt be a substantial barrier in their way thither.

We are further informed, that after Col. White went down to Albany, Gen. Schuyler sent an arrest after him, but that he had gone off no one knew where, nor am I informed whether he was properly notified of the arrest; it is however certain that the General is much exasperated against him, and determines to rid the army of so dangerous an officer.

Upon information of Gen. Charlton being on his return towards this place with his army, a scout of riflemen were sent off to Crown Point this evening to make discovery.

Saturday, November 30th, 1776.-Nothing of importance.

Sunday, December 1st, 1776.—The day of the Lord was more peaceable than any before has been since we were on the ground,


November 28th, 1776.

* The pernicious practice of retailing spirituous liquors in this camp to the soldiers has become so prevalent, and attended with such consequences, that it is absolutely necessary to suppress it. Col. Wayne commands and enjoins all officers belonging to this army to make diligent search through their respective regiments, to seize all liquors found in the possession of any person retailing the same except those who have obtained leave for that purpose, and conduct themselves accordingly.

Cloudy, windy weather; growing cold; in the evening it snowed just so as to cover the ground. Capt. Bloomfield, Lt. Gifford and myself occupy Gen. Montcalm's room in a mess, pretty quietly.*

Monday, December 2d, 1776.-I with a party of about 30 men went up to the mills for boards in flats-the weather being cold and the business tedious, it were near night before we got loaded --and then our scows being aground, I was obliged to get out, and continued in the water until my clothes were all froze on me, and then was obliged to stand at the helm until we landed at Mt. Independence, about 8 o'clock, and went home in a frozen condi tion; when I arrived the drums were just beating for orders to warn every man to lie on their arms and parade at the guns firing in the morning, owing to a report brought by Capt. Church and Lt. Hagan from Crown Point, affirming they saw a square rigged vessel, carrying, as they supposed, about 14 guns, come to an anchor at Crown Point, being for some time in chase of them.

Tuesday, December 3d, 1776.-We paraded at gun fire according to order, but were soon dismissed. The day proved wet and cold, so that it froze as fast as it fell, which caused it to be very slippery, and with the darkness of the night made it bad.

Towards evening a batteaux arrived from Crown Point, or rather below, with corn and potatoes, which was the same that our men saw the day before, which they took to be a large square rigged sloop or schooner, when she had only two blankets for sails. This proves matter of laughter enough at the scouters.

Wednesday, December 4th, 1776.-Was put on guard, but by request, being unwell, Mr. Thomas took my place, so I continued in the house all day.

Thursday, December 5th, 1776.—Dull, sloppy weather, but warm for the season. At the usual time of guard mounting I was put on with Lt. Hagan, and before we relieved the old guard, the whole regiment being paraded, we marched off to the grand parade round the Adjutant's Daughter, with all the other regiments this side of the Lake, and the whole of the prisoners being brought out of the main guard, five of them received 39 lashes on their

December 1st, 1776.

* The shameful neglect of the officers and non-commissioned officers commanding guards of late, is such that the sentinels have allowed their guns to be stolen from them. Col Wayne recommends it to the officers, whether commissioned or noncommissioned, to see that their guards are more alert, and do their duty as becometh soldiers, as he is determined to punish with the utmost severity such scandalous, unsoldier-like behaviour.

bare backs, well laid on; after which we marched back and relieved the old guard.

Friday, December 6th, 1776.—Was relieved from guard and went to bed unwell. Capt. Patterson's and Ross's Companies were mustered to-day-after which Col. Varick left here.

Saturday, December 7th, 1776.-Strict orders were given to both the Generals and Regulars for the troops to dress and pow. der in the neatest manner possible, and appear on the parade to morrow morning. Capt. Bloomfield and Lt. Gifford very unwell, so that they are not able to go out any. I spent the day in preparing the men, such as were able, for to-morrow's parade; but a great number are sick amongst us: Serg. Leake is one, who I fear is near his end.

Sunday, December 8th, 1776.—Last evening Capt. Sharp and the other officers who were with him returned from Schenectady, with whom came Davis Rivers, Moses Tullis and Saml. Jackson, belonging to our company, leaving the remainder behind. Some stores were brought by them, but no news of importance.

This day, according to orders, at the troop beating, the whole of the men on this side of the Lake paraded, and after forming went through the manual firing a round by platoons, and several other manœuvres, and were dismissed. The whole were pow. dered off neatly, and made a very grand appearance; but the weather was so cold, they could not exercise with that life which they usually did in warmer weather. Col. Wayne, Wood, &c, were on the ground ordering the movements.

After parade, Mr. Norcross and myself, according to invitation, went and dined with Capts. Donnell and Blair, and sat drinking with them until roll call, when we returned and attended thereto Capt. and Lieut. still very unwell.

Monday, December 9th, 1776.-Capt. Bloomfield and Lieut. Gifford still continue unwell, but the Captain is getting better. Nothing material.

Tuesday, December 10th, 1776.-Lt. Gifford still exceeding unwell with the camp dysentery, which seems to baffle all medi cine. John Burroughs and Joel Garrison came up. We have now above 100 sick belonging to this regiment. The most fre quent complaint is the camp dysentery, and has been rife ever since we came upon this ground, though it now begins to grow less frequent as the weather grows cold and severe-and more inflam. matory disorders, of a very complex nature, come in its place; not many, however, die.

Wednesday, December 11th, 1776.-Clear, cold, and the Lake frozen over, except at the Forks. Mr. Gifford's complaint still

continues with full vigor, so that he seems almost to despair of his life. J. Ray very sick-nothing farther. Snowed in the night. Thursday, December 12th, 1776.-Snowy morning. Nothing material occurred to-day.

Friday, December 13th, 1776.—Cloudy, dull day, but warm for the season, though it did not break up the ice any. Went on guard at the usual time of mounting with Ensign Leonard; had a pretty favorable guard. Capt. Church, of Col. Wayne's Regi ment, officer of the day. Orders were this day issued by Col. Wayne* for our regiment to march to-morrow morning for Mount Independence-leaving our station, to which we was allotted by Gen. Gates, to ease the Colonel's stomach of a disgust which he has got against us for some reason. These orders were received by Major Barber and the rest of the officers with astonishment; yet they determined, however distressing they might be, to punc. tually comply with them, though it was with great reluctance after so many difficulties and hardships already undergone, and especially as this appeared unjust and altogether unnecessary. At night received the grand rounds secundum artem, and gave attendance to the guard.

Saturday, December 14th, 1776.-Made out my returns and was relieved at 9 o'clock, when the weather began to grow very cold and blustering and spits of snow; growing most excessive cold, and the bridge over the Lake being broken by the wind, it was concluded to be impossible to get over; however, in the af ternoon each company began to get over as well as they could in boats, of which ours was one; Capt. Bloomfield being ordered as officer of the day at Ticonderoga to-morrow, would not go over himself, and Lieut. Gifford being sick, staid in our room, so that there was none but myself to go over with our company. Hav. ing things prepared, about 2 o'clock, P. M., we went down to the Lake, and with much fatigue, the wind blowing excessively hard

December 13th, 1776.

Col. Dayton's Regiment is to remove to Mount Independence on Saturday next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The officers will be careful that no damage is done to the barracks their regiment now occupies, as they will be answerable for the contrary.


HEAD QUARTERS, SARATOGA, Dec. 13th. The General having received advices of a signal victory, obtained by a part of the Army of the United States, under the immediate command of his Excellency Gen. Washington, over the enemy; and being willing that all should participate in the joys occasioned by this happy event, he pardoneth John Butterworth of the fleet, sentenced by a General Court Martial, held at Ticonderoga on the 6th Nov. last, to be shot for a breach of the 27th Article for the Regulations of Government in the Continental Army.

and much ice in the Lake, we got all over a little before sunset, and carried our things up to the barracks, which we found very open, without any doors, chamber floor, or anything except just covered and partitioned off; R. Ensign Kinney and myself gathered wood and made up a fire in our room, but the night was so excessively cold, and the room so open, I could not sleep-indeed suffered most intolerably all night; learning some thing farther of the fatigues of a soldier's life.

Sunday, December 15th, 1776.—This day being cold, we were obliged to send over the main guard to Ticonderoga from our regiment, which we took excessively hard; indeed they had extraordinary hard work to get over at any rate. I filled up our fire-place with clay for a hearth and other things about the house, in order to be something more comfortable.

Monday, December 16th, 1776.-Severe weather. Over on Mount Independence fitting up house, &c.*

Tuesday, December 17th, 1776.-In consequence of advice from Gen. Schuyler, that a very capital engagement has lately hap pened between Lord Howe and Gen. Washington, in which the latter proved victorious-the former leaving the ground covered with the dead and 13 field pieces, to the latter-the troops here were all paraded at Ticonderoga, we passing over the Lake on the ice, and formed in a body; when we gave six hearty cheers on the occasion, fired two rounds and were dismissed, with an allowance of a gill of rum to every man. M. Barber's mess and ours joined upon their coming over to-day.

Wednesday, December 18th, 1776.-Still continues very cold. Last night Serg. Leake died, after all that was done for him; and I must say upon his sick bed the Captain and all used him kindly, though before that I think by him he was ill-treated. In the afternoon, the Captain and myself, with a part of our men and several Sergeants, buried Serg. Leake in a decent manner.

Our guards mount at the old Fort, notwithstanding we are moved over on the mount, and are obliged to cross on the Lake; and I suppose must continue so to do until they get fixed in the garrison barracks.

Thursday, December 19th, 1776.-The weather continues exceeding cold. No occurrences worth mentioning.

Friday, December 20th, 1776.-Yesterday orders were given

December 16th, 1776.

The whole army which compose the garrisons of Ticonderoga and Mount Inde. pendence, to be under arms to-morrow at 9 o'clock, in order to fire a feu de joie on account of the intelligence received of a glorious victory gained by Gen. Washington over the enemy. The Commissary will issue one gill of rum to each man who appears under arms to-morrow.

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