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ブックス The colours thus communicated by the different bases to flame afford, in many cases,... の書籍検索結果
" The colours thus communicated by the different bases to flame afford, in many cases, a ready and neat way of detecting extremely minute Quantities of them... "
Encyclopædia metropolitana; or, Universal dictionary of knowledge, ed. by E ... - 422 ページ
Encyclopaedia 著 - 1845
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Spectrum Analysis: Six Lectures, Delivered in 1868, Before the Society of ...

Henry Enfield Roscoe - 1873 - 542 ページ
...colours appear, each letter being able to reflect its own peculiar rays. contributed by different objects to flame afford in many cases a ready and neat way of detecting extremely minute iquantities of them." Fox Talbot, whose name we know as being so intimately connected with the origin...

Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary: A Description of Tools ..., 第 3 巻

Edward Henry Knight - 1877 - 984 ページ
...Uerscbel remarked that " the colors contributed by different objects to flame afford in many instances a ready and neat way of detecting extremely minute quantities of them.'' Mr Fox Talbot, in 1834. distinguishes tho difference between the red Нпек produced by the names...

Report of the Marlborough College Natural History Society (founded April 9th ...

Marlborough College (Marlborough, England). Natural History Society - 1877 - 606 ページ
...Copper and some other substances, he says : " The colours thus communicated by the different bases to flame afford in many cases a ready and neat way...of detecting extremely minute quantities of them." And a f ew years later Fox Talbot remarks : "A glance at the prismatic spectrum of flame may shew it...

Elements of Chemistry: Theoretical and Practical, 第 2 巻

William Allen Miller - 1877 - 840 ページ
...powder into the wick of a spirit-lamp. The colours thus communicated by the different bases to name, afford in many cases a ready and neat way of detecting extremely minute quantities of them." The analysis of the spectra of artificial lights was resumed by Fox Talbot (Brewster's Journal of Science,...

Cyclopædic science simplified

John Henry Pepper - 1877 - 764 ページ
...Sir John Herschel remarks that, "The colours thus communicated by different bases to flame affords in many cases a ready and neat way of detecting extremely minute quantities of them." In 1834 Mr. Fox Talbot, speaking of his experiments with the red tint of flame produced by lithium...

A Treatise on Chemistry: v. 1-3

Henry Enfield Roscoe, Carl Schorlemmer - 1879 - 590 ページ
...concerning these observations — " the colour thus contributed by different objects to flame affords in many cases a ready and neat way of detecting extremely minute quantities of them." Again, Fox Talbot writes as follows in 1826: — "The red fire of the theatres gave a most beautiful...

Quarterly Journal of Science, and Annals of Mining, Metallurgy ..., 第 17 巻

James Samuelson, Sir William Crookes - 1880 - 822 ページ
...general," impart to flames, he observes that " the colours thus communicated by the different bases to flame afford in many cases a ready and neat way of detecting extremely minute quantities of them ;" and he assigns also reasons to show that " these tints arise from the molecules of the colouring-matter...

Once a Week

Eneas Sweetland Dallas - 1870 - 532 ページ
...put (in powder) into the wick of a spirit lamp. The colours thus communicated by the different bases to flame, afford, in many cases, a ready and neat...of detecting extremely minute quantities of them. The pure earths, when violently heated — as has been recently practised by Lieutenant Drummond, by...

A Popular History of Science

Robert Routledge - 1881 - 748 ページ
...of flame colorations in chemical analysis : " The colours thus communicated by the different bases to flame afford in many cases a ready and neat way...of detecting extremely minute quantities of them." 31 Fox-Talbot, whose name will always be remembered in connection with the beautiful art of photography,...

Gesammelte Abhandlungen

Gustav Kirchhoff - 1882 - 832 ページ
...spirit-lamp" — „The colours thus communicated by the different bases to flame afford, in niany cases, a ready and neat way of detecting extremely minute quantities of them" . . . „The pure earths, when violently heated, äs has recently been practised by Lieutenant Drummond,...

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