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" A PHILOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION TO GREEK AND LATIN FOR STUDENTS. Translated and adapted from the German. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. "
Reference Catalogue of Current Literature - 1 ページ
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The Works of Sir Henry Taylor: Edwin the Fair. Isaac Comnenus

Sir Henry Taylor - 1877 - 410 ページ
...for Students of the Indian Universities. Crown Svo, 6s. 4 A List of BAUR, Ferdinand, Dr. Pfi.—R. Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for Students....adapted from the German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. BAYLY, Capt. George.— Sea Life Sixty Years Ago. A Record...

Tactical examples, tr. by sir L. Graham, 第 1 巻

Hugo von Helvig - 1877 - 288 ページ
...Illustrations. Price 2is. BAUR {Ferdinand) Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn. — A PHILOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION то GREEK AND LATIN FOR STUDENTS. Translated and adapted from the German. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at...

A Pair of Blue Eyes: A Novel

Thomas Hardy - 1877 - 416 ページ
...Dialogues suitable for Children of all ages. Small crown Sro. Cloth, limp, zs. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph. A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...


Matilda Barbara Betham- Edwards - 1877 - 710 ページ
...BARLEE (Ellen). Locked Out : a Tale of the Strike. With a Frontispiece. Royal i6mo. Cloth, price is. 6d. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for 8tudents. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE,...

The Works of Sir Henry Taylor, 第 73 号、第 2 巻

Sir Henry Taylor - 1877 - 396 ページ
...An Outline of English Speechcraft. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 4$. A List of BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph. A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

History of the Organization, Equipment, and War Services of the ..., 第 2 巻

1877 - 364 ページ
...BARLEE (Ellen). Locked Out : a Tale of the Strike. With a Frontispiece. Royal i6mo. Cloth, price is. 6d. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for 8tudents. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon.,' and the Rev. ED STONE,...

John Wiclif and His English Precursors, 第 1 巻

Gotthard Victor Lechler - 1878 - 412 ページ
...Second Edition. Price 2U. BARTLEY(GCT}— DOMESTIC ECONOMY : Thrift in Every-Day Life. Crown 8vo. 2s. BAUR (Ferdinand) Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....and adapted from the German. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at...

The Gold-mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities: A Fortnight's Tour ...

Sir Richard Francis Burton - 1878 - 458 ページ
...Second Edition. Price 2 is. BARTLEY(GCT)— DOMESTIC ECONOMY : Thrift in Every-Day Life. Crown 8vo. 2s. BAUR (Ferdinand) Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....and adapted from the German. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at...

Burma Past and Present, 第 2 巻

Albert Fytche - 1878 - 418 ページ
...Second Edition. Price zis. BARTLEY(GCT)— DOMESTIC ECONOMY : Thrift in Every- Day Life. Crown 8vo. 2s. BAUR (Ferdinand) Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....and adapted from the German. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at...

The Apocalypse Viewed Under the Light of the Doctrines of the Unfolding Ages ...

Charles Blackmore Waller - 1878 - 458 ページ
...Second Edition. Price 2U. BARTLEY(GCT)— DOMESTIC ECONOMY : Thrift in Every-Day Life. Crown Svo. 2s. BAUR (Ferdinand) Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....and adapted from the German. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. E. I). STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master...

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