| John James Aubertin - 1888 - 448 ページ
...and Mensuration, for Students of the Indian Universities, Crown 8vo, 6s. BAUR, Ferdinand, Dr. Ph.— A. Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for...adapted from the German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. BAYLY, Capt. George.— Sea Life Sixty Years Ago. A Record... | |
| John Harrison - 1888 - 304 ページ
...Political Economy, together with a survey of Recent Legislation. Crown 8vo, $s. BAUR, Ferdinand, Dr. Ph.— A. Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for...adapted from the German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. BAYLY, Capt. George.— Sea Life Sixty Years Ago. A Record... | |
| Joseph William Reynolds - 1888 - 396 ページ
...Algeria. With numerous Illustrations by Photogravure. Crown 4to, ids. BAUR, Ferdinand, Dr. Ph. — A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for...adapted from the German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. BA YL Y, Capt. George.— Sea. Life Sixty Years Ago. A Record... | |
| Blaise Pascal - 1888 - 446 ページ
...and Mensuration, for Students of the Indian Universities. Crown 8vo, 6s. BAUK, Ferdinand, Dr. Ph.— A. Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for...adapted from the German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. BAYLY, Capt. George— Sea. Life Sixty Years Ago. A Record... | |
| Donald J. Mackey - 1888 - 368 ページ
...and Mensuration, for Students of the Indian Universities. Crown Svo, 6s. BAUR, Ferdinand, Dr. Ph. — A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for...adapted from the German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. BA YL Y, Caff. George.— Sea. Life Sixty Years Ago. A Record... | |
| Sir John William Dawson - 1888 - 370 ページ
...Algeria. With numerous Illustrations by Photogravure. Crown 4to, i6j. BAUR, Ferdinand, Dr. Ph. — A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for...adapted from the German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. BAYLY, Capt. George. — Sea Life Sixty Years Ago. A Record... | |
| John Fordyce (M.A.) - 1888 - 236 ページ
...Mensuration, for Students of the Indian Universities, Crown 8vo, 6s. 1 BAUR, Ferdinand, Dr. Ph.— A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for...adapted from the German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. BAYLY, Capt. George. — Sea Life Sixty Years Ago. A Record... | |
| Hugh Taylor - 1888 - 380 ページ
...Mensuration, for Students of the Indian Universities. Crown 8vo, 6s. BAUR, Ferdinand, Dr. Ph.—A. Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for Students....adapted from the German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. BAYLY, Capt. George.—Sea Life Sixty Years Ago. A Record... | |
| William Barnes - 1888 - 564 ページ
...of Titus Livius. From the Italian of NiccoL6 MACHIAVELLI. By N. HILL THOMPSON. Large crown Svo, 12s. Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for Students....Translated and adapted from the German by C. KEGAN PAOL and E. D. STONE. Third Edition. Crown Svo, 6s. Plutarch : His Life, his Lives, and his Morals.... | |
| Frederick George Scott - 1888 - 192 ページ
...Mensuration, for Students of the Indian Universities. Crown Svo, 6s. 4 A List of BAUR, Ferdinand, Dr. Ph. — A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for...Students. Translated and adapted from the German, by C. KECAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Third Edition. Crown Svo, 6^. BAYLY, Capt. George.— Sea. Life Sixty... | |
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