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" A PHILOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION TO GREEK AND LATIN FOR STUDENTS. Translated and adapted from the German. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. "
Reference Catalogue of Current Literature - 3 ページ
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The Five Senses of Man

Julius Bernstein - 1876 - 366 ページ
...Dialogues suitable for Children of all ages. Small crown 8vo. Cloth, limp, zs. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph. A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

Myths and Songs from the South Pacific

William Wyatt Gill - 1876 - 392 ページ
...8vo. Cloth, price 51. _ Volume XXIX. of the International Scientific Series. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph. A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

Servetus and Calvin: A Study of an Important Epoch in the Early History of ...

Robert Willis - 1877 - 614 ページ
...in Every- Day Life. Taught in Dialogues suitable for children of all ages. Small cr. 8vo. price 2^. BAUR (Ferdinand) Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....and adapted from the German. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at...

Essentials of English grammar for the use of schools

William Dwight Whitney - 1877 - 312 ページ
...BARLEE (Ellen). Locked Out : a Tale of the Strike. With a Frontispiece. Royal i6mo. Cloth, price is. 6d. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

The Canon of the Bible: Its Formation, History, and Fluctuations

Samuel Davidson - 1877 - 264 ページ
...BARLEE (Ellen). Locked Out : a Tale of the Strike. With a Frontispiece. Royal i6mo. Cloth, price is. 6d. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

Salvator Mundi, Or, Is Christ the Saviour of All Men?

Samuel Cox - 1877 - 286 ページ
...BARLEE (Ellen). Locked Out: a Tale of the Strike. With a Frontispiece. Royal i6mo. Cloth, price is. 6d. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. E. D. STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

Pyramid Facts and Fancies, 第 20 巻

James Bonwick - 1877 - 258 ページ
...BARLEE (Ellen). Locked Out : a Tale of the Strike. With a Frontispiece. Royal i6mo. Cloth, price is. 6d. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

History of the Organization, Equipment, and War Services of the ..., 第 2 巻

1877 - 360 ページ
...(Ellen). Locked Out : a Tale of the Strike. With a Front ispiece. Royal i6mo. Cloth, price i*. CH/. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KKGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. EP STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

A Discourse on Truth

Richard Shute - 1877 - 348 ページ
...BARLEE (Ellen). Locked Out : a Tale of the Strike. With a Frontispiece. Royal i6mo. Cloth, price u. 6d. BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KKGAN PAUL, MA Oxon,, and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

The History of the Struggle for Parliamentary Government in England, 第 1 巻

Andrew Bisset - 1877 - 386 ページ
...(Ellen). Locked Out : a T.ile of the Strike. With a Frontispiece. Royal i6mo. Cloth, price is. 6tf. BAUR (Ferdinand). Dr. Ph., Professor in Maulbronn....for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KBGAN PAUL. MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge,...

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