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ブックス II. Physics and Politics ; or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "Natural... の書籍検索結果
" II. Physics and Politics ; or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "Natural Selection " and " Inheritance  "
Israel Mort, Overman: A Story of the Mine - 404 ページ
John Saunders 著 - 1877 - 408 ページ
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Throstlethwaite, by Susan Morley, 第 3 巻

Sarah Frances Spedding - 1875 - 302 ページ
...Edition. 4«. III. FOODS. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Third Edition. 5s. IV. MIND AND BODY: The Theories of their Relation. By Alexander Bain, LL.D. Third Edition. With Four Ulus- , trations. 4s. V. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. Fourth...

Memoir and letters of Sara Coleridge, ed. by her daughter [E. Coleridge].

Sara Coleridge - 1875 - 520 ページ
...i( Third Edition. III. FOODS. By Dr. Edward Smith. Profusely Illustrated. Price $s. Third Edition. IV. MIND AND BODY; THE THEORIES OF THEIR RELATION. By Alexander Bain, XiL.D., Professor of Logic at the University of Aberdeen. With Four Illustrations. Price 4$. Fourth...

Laurella, and other poems

John Todhunter - 1876 - 340 ページ
...and "Inheritance" to Political Society. By Walter Bagehot. Third Edition. Crown Svo. Cloth, price 4*. III. Foods. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FRS With numerous...4*. V. The Study of Sociology. By Herbert Spencer. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5*. VI. On the Conservation of Energy. By Balfour Stewart, MA,...

A Visit to German Schools: Notes of a Professional Tour to Inspect Some of ...

Joseph Payne - 1876 - 206 ページ
..." Inheritance " to Political Society. By Walter Bagehot. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 4$. III. Foods. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FRS With numerous...Illustrations. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 4r. V. The Study of Sociology. By Herbert Spencer. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price $s. VI. On...

Rays from the Southern cross [verse].

Georgiana Peacocke - 1876 - 354 ページ
...Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 4$. III. Foods. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.R, FRS With numerous I llustralions. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5$. IV. Mind...4$. V. The Study of Sociology. By Herbert Spencer. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price $s. VI. On the Conservation of Energy. By Balfour Stewart, MA,...

Industrial conciliation

Henry Crompton - 1876 - 212 ページ
...By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Fourth Edition. Crown Svo. , cloth, pr1ce 5s. IV. MIND AND BODY: The Theories of their Relation....Illustrations. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, price 4s. V. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo., cloth, price 5s. VI....

Myths and Songs from the South Pacific

William Wyatt Gill - 1876 - 392 ページ
...Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 4$. III. Foods. By Edward Smith, MD, &c. With numerous Illustrations. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5$ . IV. Mind and...Theories of their Relation. By Alexander Bain, LL.D. With Fouf Illustrations. Seventh Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 4;. V. The Study of Sociology. ByHerbert...

Reason and Revelation: Being an Examination Into the Nature and Contents of ...

William Horne - 1876 - 424 ページ
...Edition. 4s. III. FOODS. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 5s. IV. MIND AND BODY: The Theories of their Relation....Bain, LL.D. With Four Illustrations. Fifth Edition. 4s. V. THE STUDY OP SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. Fifth Edition. 5s. VI. ON THE CONSERVATION OF ENEEGY....

Recollections of Four Years in Venezuela

Charles Daniel Dance - 1876 - 392 ページ
...Edition. 4». III. FOODS. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 5s. IV. MIND AND BODY: The Theories of their Relation....Bain, LL.D. With Four Illustrations. Fifth Edition. 4s. V. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. Fifth Edition. 5». VI. ON THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY....

The Suez Canal: Letters and Documents Descriptive of Its Rise and Progress ...

Ferdinand de Lesseps - 1876 - 400 ページ
...Edition. 4s. III. POODS. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FES Profusely Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 5s. IV. MIND AND BODY: The Theories of their Relation....Bain, LL.D. With Four Illustrations. Fifth Edition. 4s. V. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. Fifth Edition. 5s. VI. ON THE CONSERVATION OP ENERGY....

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