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ブックス II. Physics and Politics ; or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "Natural... の書籍検索結果
" II. Physics and Politics ; or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "Natural Selection " and " Inheritance  "
Israel Mort, Overman: A Story of the Mine - 404 ページ
John Saunders 著 - 1877 - 408 ページ
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Dante and Beatrice, from 1282 to 1290, by Roxburghe Lothian, 第 2 巻

Elizabeth Kerr Coulson - 1876 - 370 ページ
...Edition. 4s. III. FOODS. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FES Profusely Illustrated. Third Edition. 5s. IV. MIND AND BODY: The Theories of their Relation. By Alexander Bain, LL.D. Fourth Edition. With Four Illustrations. 4s. V. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. Fourth...

Translations from the German Poets of the 18th and 19th Centuries

Mrs. Edgar Lucas - 1876 - 250 ページ
...EDWARD SMITH, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 5s. 4. Mind and Body: the Theories of their Relation. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL.D. With 4 Illustrations. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 4s. 5. The Study of Sociology. By HERBERT SPENCER....

Money and the Mechanism of Exchange

William Stanley Jevons - 1876 - 430 ページ
...Edition. 4«. III. FOODS. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FES Profusely Illustrated. Third Edition. 5s. IV. MIND AND BODY: The Theories of their Relation. By Alexander Bain, LL.D. Fourth Edition. With Four Illustrations. 4:8. V. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. Fourth...

Cup and Platter: Or, Notes on Food and Its Effects

George Overend Drewry, Henry Critchett Bartlett - 1876 - 216 ページ
...EDWARD SMITH, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 5s. 4. Mind and Body: the Theories of their Relation. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL.D. With 4 Illustrations. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 4s. 5. The Study of Sociology. By HERBERT SPENCER....

The Earls of Middleton: Lords of Clermont and of Fettercairn, and the ...

A. C. Biscoe - 1876 - 466 ページ
...Edition. 4s. III. FOODS. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Third Edition. 5s. IV. MIND AND BODY: The Theories of their Relation. By Alexander Bain, LL.D. Third Edition. With Four Illustrations. I*. V. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. Fourth Edition....

St. Thomas of Canterbury: A Dramatic Poem

Aubrey De Vere - 1876 - 348 ページ
...EDWARD SMITH, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Fourth Edition. Crown Svo, cloth, price 5s. 4. Mind and Body : the Theories of their Relation. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL.D. With 4 Illustrations. Fifth Edition. Crown Svo, cloth, price 4s. 5. The Study of Sociology. By HERBERT SPENCER....

Annus amoris (sonnets).

John William Inchbold - 1876 - 136 ページ
...EDWARD SMITH, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 5s. 4. Mind and Body: the Theories of their Relation. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL.D. With 4 Illustrations.. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 4s. 5. The Study of Sociology. By HERBERT...

Scientific culture, an address

Josiah Parsons Cooke - 1876 - 56 ページ
...astonishing. The book contains a very large amount of useful information in a small space.'—Academy. IV MIND and BODY: the Theories of their Relation. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL.D. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. 4*. THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES- -(continued). STUDY of SOCIOLOGY....

Animal Parasites and Messmates

Pierre Joseph Beneden - 1876 - 364 ページ
...Edition. 4s. III. FOODS. By Edward Smith, MD, LL.B., FRS Profusely Illustrated. Third Edition. 5s. IV. MIND AND BODY: The Theories of their Relation. By Alexander Bain, LL.D. Third Edition. With Four Illustrations. 4s. V. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. Fourth Edition....

Methodist Magazine and Quarterly Review, 第 28 巻、第 36 巻、第 58 巻

1876 - 792 ページ
...the bishop's productions by a richer external style. Philosophy, Metaphysics, and General Sc!.< nee. Mind and Body. The Theories of their Relation. By ALEXANDER BAIN, LL.D., Professor of Logic in the University of Aberdeen. 12mo., pp. 196. 1875. Professor Bain may be considered...

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