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ブックス It seems possible to account for all the phenomena of heat, if it be supposed that... の書籍検索結果
" It seems possible to account for all the phenomena of heat, if it be supposed that in solids the particles are in a constant state of vibratory motion, the particles of the hottest bodies moving with the greatest velocity... "
Encyclopædia metropolitana; or, Universal dictionary of knowledge, ed. by E ... - 321 ページ
Encyclopaedia 著 - 1845
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Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the ..., 第 16 巻

Royal Institution of Great Britain - 1902 - 1188 ページ
...possible to account for all the phenomena of heat if it be supposed that in solids the p¿irticles are in a constant state of vibratory motion, the particles...greatest velocity and through the greatest space; that in fluids and elastic fluids, besides the vibratory motion, which muss be conceived greatest in the last,...

The Medical and Physical Journal: Containing the Earliest ..., 第 28 巻

1812 - 552 ページ
...generally-received hypothesis, he observes, " It seems possible to account for all the phenomena of heat, if it be supposed, that, in solids, the particles...velocity, and through the greatest space ; that in fluids, and elastic fluids, besides the vibratory motion, which must be .conceived greater in the last,...

Collected Papers of Sir James Dewar. Volume Ii.

844 ページ
...phenomenon of heat is motion. Thus he says, "It seems possible to account for all the phenomena of heat if it be supposed that in solids the particles...greatest velocity and through the greatest space; that in fluids and elastic fluids, besides the vibratory motion, which must be conceived greatest in the last,...

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