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ブックス ... should we expect that he can lend courage to the sufferer, confidence to the... の書籍検索結果
" ... should we expect that he can lend courage to the sufferer, confidence to the dying ? Has he suffered ? Has he seen anyone suffer ? Has he seen the fear of dying? Has he felt the fear of death turn into confidence? Has he worked shoulder to shoulder... "
Robert Guthrie--the PKU Story: Crusade Against Mental Retardation - 1 ページ
Jean Koch 著 - 1997 - 190 ページ
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The Art of Ministering to the Sick

Richard Clarke Cabot, Russell Leslie Dicks - 1936 - 400 ページ
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The Art of Ministering to the Sick

Richard Clarke Cabot, Russell Leslie Dicks - 1936 - 400 ページ
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Punishment in America: A Reference Handbook

Cyndi Banks - 2005 - 337 ページ
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