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ブックス KINGSLEY, Charles, MA— Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his Wife. With... の書籍検索結果
" KINGSLEY, Charles, MA— Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his Wife. With two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Vignettes on Wood. "
Reference Catalogue of Current Literature - 9 ページ
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The Renaissance of Art in France, 第 2 巻

Lady Emilia Francis Strong Dilke - 1879 - 408 ページ
...Geological Map of Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KING (Alice) — A CLUSTER OF LIVES. Crown 8vo. price js. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

A Consul's Manual and Shipowner's and Shipmaster's Practical Guide in Their ...

Lewis Joel - 1879 - 446 ページ
...Geological Map of Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KING (Alice) — A CLUSTER OF LIVES. Crown 8vo. price 7*. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia

Karl von Gebler - 1879 - 456 ページ
...Geological Map of Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KING (Alice) — A CLUSTER OF LIVES. Crown 8vo. price is. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia, tr. by mrs G. Sturge, 第 115 号

Karl von Gebler - 1879 - 444 ページ
...Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KING (Alice) — A CLUSTER OF LIVES. Crown 8vo. price is. 6d. K ING SLEY (Charles) MA— LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF HIS LIFE....by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

The Gospel according to the Hebrews, its fragments tr. and annotated, with a ...

Hebrews - 1879 - 230 ページ
...Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KING (Alice) — A CLUSTER OF LIVES. Crown 8vo. price js. 6d. KINGSLE Y ( Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF HIS LIFE....by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

The Renaissance of Art in France, 第 2 巻

Lady Emilia Francis Strong Dilke - 1879 - 412 ページ
...Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KING (Alice) — A CLUSTER OF LIVES. Crown 8vo. price 7*. 6,/. K ING SLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF HIS LIFE....by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

Political Studies

George Charles Brodrick - 1879 - 620 ページ
...Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KING (Alice) — A CLUSTER OF LIVES. Crown Svo. price 7*. 6d. K ING SLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF HIS LIFE....by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition, 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

The Fight of Faith: Sermons Preached on Various Occasions

Stopford Augustus Brooke - 1879 - 474 ページ
...advocating a Return to the Natural and Ancient Food of our Race. Small crown 8vo, 2s. KINGSLEY, Charks, MA— Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by...Wife. With two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Vignettes on Wood. Fifteenth Cabinet Edition. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, 12s. %* Also a People's Edition, in one volume....

Germany, Present and Past, 第 2 巻

Sabine Baring-Gould - 1879 - 442 ページ
...Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KING (Alice) — A CLUSTER OF LIVES. Crown 8vo. price js. 6d. K ING SLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF HIS LIFE....by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

The Prophecies of Isaiah: A New Translation with Commentary and ..., 第 1 巻

Thomas Kelly Cheyne - 1886 - 376 ページ
...WAY IN DIET. A Treatise advocating a Return to the Natural and Ancient Food of Race. Small crown Svo. 2s. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES...Vignettes. Sixteenth Cabinet Edition, in 2 vols. Crown Svo. I2*. *»* Also a People's Edition in I vol. With Portrait. Crown Svo. 6s. ALL SAINTS' DAY, and...

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