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ブックス KINGSLEY, Charles, MA— Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his Wife. With... の書籍検索結果
" KINGSLEY, Charles, MA— Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his Wife. With two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Vignettes on Wood. "
Reference Catalogue of Current Literature - 9 ページ
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The Works of Sir Henry Taylor: Edwin the Fair. Isaac Comnenus

Sir Henry Taylor - 1877 - 392 ページ
...upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. " Audi alteram partem." Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 3$. dd. KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting....

The Fight of Faith. Sermons ...

Stopford Augustus Brooke - 1877 - 474 ページ
...Svo. Cloth, price 7s . 6rf. Aspromonte, and other Poems. Second Edition. Fcap. Svo. Cloth, price 4$. KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting....

The Christ-child, and other poems

Edward Williams B. Nicholson - 1877 - 168 ページ
...upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. " Audi alteram partem." Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 3s. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a F'acsimile of his Handwriting....

Pandurang Hari ; Or, Memoirs of a Hindoo

William Browne Hockley - 1877 - 472 ページ
...upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. " Audi alteram partem." Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 3$. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting....

Womanhood: its duties, temptations, and privileges

Joseph Shillito - 1877 - 202 ページ
...upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. " Audi alteram partem." Crown 8vo. Cloth, price y . 6d, KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting....

The Independence of the Holy See

Henry Edward Manning - 1877 - 226 ページ
...upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. " Audi alteram partem." Crown 8vo. Cloth, price y. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting....

A Pair of Blue Eyes: A Novel

Thomas Hardy - 1877 - 416 ページ
...8vo. Cloth, price 7*. 6d. Aspromonte, and other Poems. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo. Cloth, price 4*. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting....

Children's Toys, and Some Elementary Lessons in General Knowledge which They ...

Twynihoe William Erle - 1877 - 340 ページ
...upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. " Audi alteratn partem." Crown Svo. Cloth, price 3$. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting....

Proverbs in Porcelain: And Other Verses

Austin Dobson - 1877 - 290 ページ
...upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. " Audi alteram partem." Crown Svo. Cloth, price 3s, 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting....

Salvator Mundi, Or, Is Christ the Saviour of All Men?

Samuel Cox - 1877 - 286 ページ
...some of the Religious Topics of the Day. " Audi alteram partem." Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 3$. (-iff. KINGSLEY (Charles), MA Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With 2 Steel engraved Portraits and numerous Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting....

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