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ブックス KINGSLEY, Charles, MA— Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his Wife. With... の書籍検索結果
" KINGSLEY, Charles, MA— Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his Wife. With two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Vignettes on Wood. "
Reference Catalogue of Current Literature - 9 ページ
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The Works of Alfred Tennyson, 第 843 号、第 11 巻

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1877 - 222 ページ
...SELECTION OF WORKS PUBLISHED BY HENRY S. KINK & CO. BIOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. The late Charles Kingsley, MA ; Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by his WIFE. With Portraits and Illustrations. Eighth Edition. 2 vols. 36$. The late Rev. Rowland Williams, DD, Life...

The Balance of Emotion and Intellect: An Essay Introductory to the Study of ...

Sir Charles Waldstein - 1878 - 280 ページ
...MD—The Perfect Way in Diet. A Treatise advocating a Return to the Natural and Ancient Food of our Race. Small crown 8vo, 2s. KINGSLEY, Charles, MA—...Wife. With two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Vignettes on Wood. Thirteenth Cabinet Edition. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, 12s. %* Also a New and Condensed Edition, in...

The Gold-mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities: A Fortnight's Tour ...

Sir Richard Francis Burton - 1878 - 458 ページ
...GEOLOGY OF IRELAND, with numerous Illustrations and a Geological Map of Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

Burma Past and Present, 第 2 巻

Albert Fytche - 1878 - 418 ページ
...Discussions upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. 'Audi alteram partem.' Crown 8vo. price y.6d. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Eleventh Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

The Gold-mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities: A Fortnight's Tour ...

Sir Richard Francis Burton - 1878 - 466 ページ
...Discussions upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. 'Audi altcram partcm.' Crown Svo. price y.6d. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Eleventh Edition. 2 vols. Demy Svo. price...

The Supernatural in Nature. A Verification by Free Use of Science

Joseph William Reynolds - 1878 - 552 ページ
...Discussions upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. ' Audi alteram partem.' Crown 8vo. price y. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Eleventh Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

John Wiclif and His English Precursors, 第 1 巻

Gotthard Victor Lechler - 1878 - 412 ページ
...Discussions upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. ' Audi alteram partem.' Crown Svo. price y. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Eleventh Edition. 2 vols. Demy Svo. price...

William Harvey: A History of the Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood

Robert Willis - 1878 - 412 ページ
...Geological Map of Ireland. Square 8vo. cloth. KING (Alice) — A CLUSTER OF LIVES. Crown 8vo. price 75. 6d. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Thirteenth Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

The Apocalypse Viewed Under the Light of the Doctrines of the Unfolding Ages ...

Charles Blackmore Waller - 1878 - 458 ページ
...Discussions upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. 'Audi alteram partem.' Crown 8vo. price y.6d. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Eleventh Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

Burma Past and Present, 第 2 巻

Albert Fytche - 1878 - 422 ページ
...Discussions upon some of the Religious Topics of the Day. 'Audi alteram partem. ' Crown 8vo. price y.(xf. KINGSLEY (Charles) MA — LETTERS AND MEMORIES OF...by his WIFE. With Two Steel Engraved Portraits, and Illustrations on Wood, and a Facsimile of his Handwriting. Eleventh Edition. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. price...

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