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Two Grandmother Manning Romance Novels

A Marriage of Inconvenience and Chelsey's Worst Christmas

Broken But Born Again- hardcover

Broken but Born Again is the true story of Brian Killingsworth, a young man with goals and ideals who, like so many other Americans, experimented with drugs and lost his way-and lost his freedom.

The Heir of Tarot: The Jewel of Mystica Sigil

Aquamarine Tarot was a reclusive girl, scorned by all. She befriended Brooke and Kevin and they must escape their town after it was set afire. She uncovered Mystica Sigil and her own destiny.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit 101

To find that the “Spirit of Jesus” lives IN us, and uses our vessels to work on the earth today, was almost more than this spiritually ignorant Christian could believe possible. The author will donate $1.00 from every sale to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Korean War Sketches: Chosin Resevoir Campaign

Surrounded and outnumbered, the Marines were written off as lost—but instead, their valiant fight from Chosin to the sea wrote a heroic new chapter in Marine Corp history.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams